
Our blogs share insights and tips that we have learned from helping our clients create high-quality technical content. To explore all of our blogs, visit our medium site.

Weave API workflow using Arazzo: OpenAPI’s new Spec

2024-06-183 mins read

The Open API Specification (also known as swagger docs) has been widely adopted for describing RESTful APIs. However, one limitation is that it lac...

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pip installed vale. what next?

2024-02-284 mins read

I recently worked on a project that required me to create a documentation portal. But I had an interesting discovery call for the project. A bit o...

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To ProseLint or to Vale?

2024-02-274 mins read

What is linting? Writing clear, concise, and consistent prose is not an easy task. Whether you are writing a blog post, a technical document, a ma...

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RAG chatbot: Is it ready for businesses?

2023-12-242 mins read

What is RAG? In the era of digital transformation, chatbots have emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to automate customer service, enhance u...

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Diátaxis framework: The best documentation model?

2023-12-242 mins read

What is Diátaxis? Diátaxis is a framework based on empirical research by Daniele Procida, who identified four information patterns for creating hig...

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Technical writing agency vs a technical writer

2020-12-062 mins read

When should you seek a technical writing agency In simple terms, the difference between a technical writer and technical writing agency lies in ...

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